We Love Home On The Inside Stylist Podcast

Last month, We Love Home appeared on the rather fabulous podcast by The Inside Stylist. The title of the podcast sums me up – ‘How To hustle hard if you want to be an interior stylist’. Have a listen – link is at the bottom of this post.

We Love Home On The Inside Stylist Podcast

The Inside Stylist Podcast is run by Interior Stylist Emma Morton-Turner who loves to chat all things styling.  It’s a great podcast if you are thinking of working in interior styling, love interior design or just want to know a little more about me. Emma has interviewed so many talented stylists that I feel lucky to have been picked to be interviewed.
We talked about how I broke into interior styling, why I launched this blog, ups and downs of planning a shoot, how I got to work in New York, Australia, and Oman, the list goes on!. I was a little nervous to listen to it myself (who really likes the sound of their own voice?) But Emma made me feel so comfortable – it was like chatting to an old friend – that I think I sound like okay.
I’ll let Emma from The Inside Stylist to introduce the podcast…
There are lots of ways to become an interior stylist. You can work your way up through a magazine from grassroots up. You can know someone who will put in a good word for you and get you a job as an editorial assistant (although this happens less and less now). Or you can do what the majority of interior stylists do and hustle your way up the career ladder from work experience and assistant till you reach commercial shoot level and that’s exactly what Maxine Brady did. In this episode, you’ll hear exactly how hard a driven twenty-year-old Maxine worked to get to the level she’s at now – styling magazine covers, shooting interior features, commercial shoots and running styling workshops alongside keeping a thriving interiors blog going. We’re tired just listening to what she can achieve in a month! This episode is jam-packed. Enjoy!’
You can listen to the podcast here.



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