Six positives to a House Hunting fail

When I was house shopping back in August last year, I missed out on my ‘dream home’ in a sealed bid. It totally sucked and I didn’t take it very well TBH. At the time, I decided to put on a brave face and put a hippy-dippy positive spin on it to get me over my house-hump. 

I sat down at wrote out a little wish list to help me focus as I continued my uphill house hunt. Maybe you can draw something from it.Staying focused on my wish list, helped me find the home that I now live in – which is really my dream home. I pass the place I wanted to buy most days and thank my lucky stars that I lost out on it. I wouldn’t be where I’m here today – happy and content. Here is my home tour video of my little house so you can see what I actually ended up buying.


2 thoughts on “Six positives to a House Hunting fail

  1. It is awesome that you can look back and realize there are definitely upsides to not getting exactly what you wanted. Often we are so focused on one house and one dream and look over the fact that we can add little changes to the house in order to make it the perfect home! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Hey Larissa for your kind words. When you are in the middle of it, it doesn’t feel like that but from the other side – you can see the end game. Thanks for popping by

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