A Week On My Feet

Ever wondered what an interior stylist gets up to in a ‘typical’ working week? That’s exactly what Luxury Flooring asked me too. In reply, I thought I would show how my week panned out with a photo-diary taking a snap each day of where my two little feet took me.  The week in the life of an interior stylist with Maxine Brady at www.WeLoveHomeBlog.com


This is me and my pooch Teddy. From looking at his guilty face, I was mostly likely in the middle of telling him off for putting muddy feet on my brand new Urban Outfitters rug. I’ve been on a rug splurge recently buying two for my living room. I’m rather smitten with my Morocco one from Sukhi.  The start of the week for me usually a huge admin day. This one was no different, invoicing and tax return stuff, answering all my emails and catching up on phone calls. I love days like this – helps me recalibrate.The week in the life of an interior stylist with Maxine Brady at www.WeLoveHomeBlog.com


This is me on a shoot in a studio up in North London – working for the Sunday Times. They asked me to style ‘Six Perfectly Packed Suitcases’ to go across all their titles. This one is for Short Haul Hipsters – and is jam-packed with goodies from Oliver Bonas (I covert all their colour-pop things). The final shots always look so neat but you should see the mounds of props just hidden out of sight behind me! I’ve papped the moment of calm in the chaos.

The week in the life of an interior stylist with Maxine Brady at www.WeLoveHomeBlog.comWednesday

After two long days shooting on location, I’m always so happy to be back home in Brighton. Here are my 10 toes relaxing on my bedroom floor after a hot bath (don’t worry, I had a dressing gown on). The rug I’m resting on once belonged to my Grandmother. It had been stashed in my Mum’s attic for about ten years and she very kindly gave it to me for my bedroom. It’s faded in parts, has a few stains and threadbare in places but god I love it. It’s huge and covers the whole of my floor and adds a touch of grandeur to my bedroom. And of course, it is a family treasure. You can see more of my bedroom style ideas here.
The week in the life of an interior stylist with Maxine Brady at www.WeLoveHomeBlog.com


The day after a big shoot is alway manic. I write the captions and returned my props. That is why I was looking forward so much to my special evening with my close friend Anwen (she designed this website for me – check out her wonderful illustration work on her website). We went to London’s Royal Albert Hall to see Belle And Sebastian play their entire album 1996 ‘If You Are Feeling Sinister’. It was so so so good, I cried. The songs took me back to my days at York University – a different world to me now. We were dancing in our seats and singing every word. Oh my, isn’t the Royal Albert Hall just stunning? Here is our feet in the tiled stone corridor – zig zag!
The week in the life of an interior stylist with Maxine Brady at www.WeLoveHomeBlog.com


You know the houses you see in the pages of magazines? Well, stylists like me go along and make them look extra pretty. I bring flowers, food props and I art direct on the day. Today, I was in Kent with the team at The English Home magazine. Here’s are my scruffy Keds resting among the antique kilms in the Drawing Room. This has to be one of the best parts of my job, snooping around some of the most beautiful houses in the country. It’s hard work though – I counted my steps and I walked 10.5 miles that day running up and down the stairs.

The week in the life of an interior stylist with Maxine Brady at www.WeLoveHomeBlog.comSaturday

A day off! Well sort of. I do most of my blogging at the weekend. As the weather was so nice, I took the dog out for a long walk along the Brighton Seafront. On the way, I found this little heart made out plastic on the floor. I’ve been snapping hearts and posting them of Facebook for years – everything from a heart-shaped clouds, heart leaves even my neighbour’s cat which has a heart in his fur! Now, friends from over the world send me the hearts they find – it’s become my ‘thing’. It’s such a sweet gesture when someone a heart they have found. It makes me feel closer to my far-away friends.
The week in the life of an interior stylist with Maxine Brady at www.WeLoveHomeBlog.com


It was such a beautiful day, I hit Hove seafront to meet my friend Ben for an afternoon drink and to listen to some live music in the sunshine. My home town is covered in street art and experimental graffiti (Banksy has tagged our town, and I think he lived here for a bit) – just look here. I’m forever snapping art on walls, floors, lamp posts, pubs – you name it, my city is brimming with art – like this row of smilie hearts on the promenade. It made me tickle that something so regal as Hove Seafront has been given an Acid House makeover with big yellow smilies faces. I thought it was the perfect ending to my week.
So how have you enjoyed spending a week on my feet? Has this given you a better understanding of what I get up to on an average week? If you would like to see more of my feet (ha ha!) I wrote a post on 9 Amazing Tile Patterns that I discovered when I was globe-trotting – all inspired by über cool Instagram account #Ihavethisthingforfloors. Check them out if you love amazing floors – and tell me honestly, who doesn’t!)
If you want to see more blogger’s feet adventures – then have a quick search for the hashtag #aweekonmyfeet to see more.
** Disclaimer: This post was in collaboration with Luxury Flooring. As always people, thoughts, photos and opinions are all mine 😉

2 thoughts on “A Week On My Feet

  1. What a great idea for a post! I enjoyed seeing behind the scenes and having a tiny peek into your life.

    1. Thank you Claire. That is really lovely thing to say. You must check out the other bloggers who have done this idea – we all have such different lives. Thank you for stopping by. See you soon.

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