Here's My [Honest] Sonos Review

When someone tells me something is ‘life changing’  – I struggle not to roll my eyes and sigh out a bemused, Really? Well, I’m going to eat my words right now – as I’ve discovered Sonos and – flipp’n heck – they are LIFE CHANGING! They have changed how I use my home, my time and the shape of my day. Sonos claim that Music Makes It Home – let show you how they have transformed mine.

Let’s start with the basics. What is Sonos? The blurb is that they are a ‘smart speakers system’ that uses your WIFI to stream the music you love throughout your home. One easy-to-use app gives you complete control over your speakers pumping out music throughout your home. So far – so easy.

To set up your speakers, you have to download the Sonos App either on your smart phone, laptop or iPad and then plug in the main power cords of each speaker. This allows you to connect your WIFI and control the music. During the set-up process the Sonos App give you the option to use Trueplay  – a piece of software which tunes your speaker by analysing the acoustic of your room. Basically, you to wave your iPhone around your room so that the speaker’s software can work out the perfect sound for the space. Warning: you look like a wally doing Trueplay but it’s worth it.
Using the Sonos app, you can stream your music from your devises through the speakers. If you get a couple of speakers, then you can group them together to play the same music at the same time, or each speaker can play different music instead. Clever, hey?
Why, might you ask, have my Sonos speakers had a life-changing experience for me? Follow me through a typical day and I’ll show you how.

7.30 am

I was sent two Play:1 speakers to review, so once I had done my little wafty thing in each room, and set them up over WIFI to talk to my phone. It was so easy, even my tech-phobic sister, Erika could do it!
I placed one by my bed (as you can see above) and using the built-in alarm, my Sonos wakes me by playing my favourite song. There is also a clever setting that means that you can time the speakers off. Handy, if like me, you like to listen to a mediation podcast as you drift off to sleep. Since setting up my Sonos alarm, I wake up in a good mood and go to sleep refreshed – first life-change just there!


Before I can speak to anyone, I have to eat and have a coffee. I grab my phone, put the kettle on and then tune into Radio 4 on my downstairs speaker. I’ve listened to The Today Show since, like, forever. It’s how I get all my news and politics updates. I’m an addict. I like to pair up both speakers in my bedroom and living space, so that I can listen to the radio as I’m getting ready, wizzing up and down my stairs.
Although I love Radio 4, I’ve been taking my ears on a musical road test. On the Sonos app, you can search Radio by Tuneln and discover 1000s of new radio stations. This blew my mind! I’ve discovered Life Gate Radio, an Italian radio station which plays chilled out tunes perfect for me to type to. You can search radio station genre, and then Tuneln offers up lots of stations to pick from. I’m currently writing this listen to a German music station called Velvet Lounge Radio – ambient house music – bliss.  I feel very cool listen to Italian or German broadcaster nattering away on my speakers.


This is my at my desk with my second speaker (I work from my dining table) with my rather serious ‘work-face’ on. I linked up my laptop to my Sonos speakers so that I can play the music in from my iTunes. You can make little playlists in the app which you can then line up to play.
When I’m busy working from home, I like to discover new music. I love a bit of Spotify as they have pre-made playlists which you can listen to. Or, if I am feeling nosey, I listen to music my friends have added to their Spotify playlists – all through my speakers. It makes me feel they are with me in the room (rather than working alone with my snoozy dog). You can have as many speakers as you want – depending how many there are of you in the house. I have two and that is more than enough for my 2-bed terrace.


When I’m getting ready, I love to listen to music to dance around my bedroom to. I’m a big fan of SoundCloud which – if you didn’t know already – is a portal for DJ’s and musicians to put up music sets. It’s really good – give it a whirl.  After a recent holiday to Croatia, where I partied to Trio DJ set, Real Nice – I’ve added their DJ set to my playlist and listen to it through my Sonos when heading out. It gives me an instant holiday vibe.  There are lots of other music services you can add like Amazon Music, Apple Music or Deezer. The list is endless. [Do you like my up-cycled chest of drawers by the way? That is my mum’s handy work.]
I can’t wait to through my next house party, where I can play pure disco downstairs and then create a ‘chill out’ area in my bedroom where I can play more ambient music. Cool idea, hey?


It’s not all parties at mine. Sometimes, I like to cuddle up on the sofa and watch telly on my Serif TV. If I want to make it more of a ‘movie’ experience – then I can plug my laptop into my Sonos speakers to get a much nicer sound than blasting out of my computer.  If you have an Apple TV you can play that through your Sonos too. Again, neat idea.
I also spend my evenings blogging (someone has to write these posts ;)) and I like to listen to podcasts. I love Scroobius Pip’s Distraction Pieces – I have about 30 of his podcasts in my Sonos app. He chats to the cream of the crop from artists, scientists, actors, comedies and hip hop stars. The sounds is so so good, it’s like he’s in the room (which is ace as I have a huge crush on him). I find now, I tend to listen to far more radio that I ever did and as a consequence my days feel much longer, and filled with music or chatter.

My Overall Thoughts?

I love the look of the PLAY:1 Sonos speakers – I don’t mind having them on show in my room. They are tiny (about 15cm x 15cm) but these speakers seriously pack a punch when it comes to volume (sorry neighbours!) Sonos speakers are powered by one main cord that needs to be plugged in, so I have said ‘good riddance’ to multiple cables from my old speakers that used to bug me. Also I can move my PLAY:1 easily around my home where I need them Oh, and did I mention that the sound is incredible.
I went for the white ones – and they cost £169 each. They are totally worth every penny.  The first thing I do when I step into my home, I grab my phone and turn on my Sonos and fill my home with music.

Discover more

I would highly advice, if you want to discover more, that you visit the Sonos blog called Music Makes It Home which has a little music test that you can take – here – to see what your music lifestyle choices say about you. Oh, and they have playlists you an add to your Sonos – like Hanging Out At Home With My Cats And Sonos. There are also loads of celebrity interviews (where you can nose around interesting characters homes) – like Hip Hop Artist + Activist Killer Mike – I have a lot of love for him.
The big question> Does Music Make It Home for you? Or are you all about podcasts? Or as a family do you love to dance to your iTunes playlists? I’d love to know how you spend your days.
On another note, I have to say how much I love the beautiful photos above, kindly taken by lovely friend Lucy Axford. I love her photography – she shot my dining room for the Laura Ashely blog and for WeLoveHome. Hugs to her x
** Disclaimer: I was given two Sonos speakers to review. As always thoughts and opinions are all mine ?

5 thoughts on “Here's My [Honest] Sonos Review

    1. OOh – that is a tiny bit out of my remit. But their website and help team are really good with questions like this.

  1. Lovely review – however as far as I know, you can neither “plug your laptop” into a Play 1 nor connect to Apple TV. There is no auxiliary input (WiFi only) and AirPlay is not yet supported. Would love to know how you got around this as it would enhance mine a lot. Awesome writing style – enjoyed it very much. Thanks.

    1. Hey – OOh – sorry if that info was correct. This was what I was told by the Sonos team. I’m sorry if that is not write. And thank you for your comments on my post.

  2. A great review of the Sonos Play one’s. if you have your music collection on a NAS Network, Attached, Storage hard drive Sonos can play all of your music from the NAS directly threw your Sonos speakers.

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