Starting A Fitness Journey That Works For You

Starting a fitness journey – big or small – is something that we all need to think about at some point in our lives. I’ve decided that it’s time for me start getting fit, healthy and happy inside and out. This post is all starting a fitness journey and encouraging you find one that works for you too.

If you have followed me for a while you would learn that often share my love of working out on my socials. I love to feel fit and healthy but I’ve always struggled to make my wellbeing a priority. Are you like that too?

Then, in September last year, I decided to make a few changes to my exercise regime and – exciting news – I’ve taken it up a level this Autumn 🙂

That is what I want to share today, my ideas for my health and happiness. My aim? To encourage to start your fitness journey and join my on my adventures.

Starting A Fitness Journey That Works For You

Starting a fitness journey that works for you. This post is all about encouraging you to be fit, healthy and happy by lifestyle blogger Maxine, We Love Home

Getting Fit, Healthy And Happy

Do you struggle to stay fit and healthy no matter how hard you try? That is exactly how I have been feeling for years.

Looking back, I have always been an active person but I always prefered solo pursuits like cycling, running or yoga rather than team sports. I would say my focus has always been on flexibility and health. I know when my body feels good, I feel good.

But like everyone, I had long periods where I spent more time snuggled up on my sofa rather than working out.

Working Out Helps My Mental Health

As I have got older, I noticed that as the seasons change from Summer to Winter so does my mood. I feel more tired, emotional, lonely, moody and feel unmotivated to leave the house.

This is not helped that I work from home so there is NO REASON to leave the house! Then something clicked in my last September. As we headed into winter, I realised that unless I did something active, I was going to start feeling the blues all over again.

So I joined a gym!

Yoga gear, working out, fitness, colour block, blond bob, fit at 40, woman working out.

Starting A Fitness Journey – Join A Gym

Yes that’s right. After years of feeling intimidated by gyms expecting everyone there to be fitter, healthier and pumped up than me, I joined Fitness First and started singing up to every class that caught my eye. I went boxing, cycling, hit classes, aerobics and lots of yoga and pilates. And guess what – I felt a million times better for getting sweaty in the gym.

Was I the best in the class? NO. Was I the worst? NO. I learned to focus on my own body and look at what it can achieve. My evenings went from nights alone in front of the telly box to busy evening gym classes. I started to miss not going to the gym. And I felt a change in my body over time. My muffin tops have gone down (slightly), my bingo wings are a little more toned (I can flex them), I can see the start of abs. And – the best bit – my saddlebag thighs have gone down thanks to Spin classes!

Encourage Your Friends And Family To Join You

Winter came and went – and I felt 1000 times better. I’ve made friends at the gym and we meet up and go to classes together. My sister and my bbf have come to body combat and they are now both addicted. I’ve made new friends. I even styled the flowers at my yoga teacher’s wedding last month 🙂

That is where I met Beth from Built.With.Beth – at a wedding full of gym bunnies. Beth and I share the same attitude to our bodies. We both understand the positive effects working out can have on your mental health.

Starting a fitness journey that works for you. This post is all about encouraging you to get fit, healthy and happy by lifestyle blogger Maxine, We Love Home Built by Beth
Follow Built.With.Beth on instagram

Take It To The Next Level

My PT, Beth, is awesome – she’s down to earth and understanding, and she gets my busy lifestyle too. I’m going ot her one a week, and then I’ll go on my own several times a week. She sends me tips and tricks on how to eat better, drink more water and how to work out better.

I are going to collaborate together. I’m going to be her case study and I’m going to share the results as well as lots of easy tips for you to follow too just in time to beat the winter blues.

Over the next few months, I’m going to be sharing lots of ideas on how you can make small changes to get fit and healthy. I’m also going to invite Beth to do a guest post at We Love Home where she is going to share her expert insight and encourage you to get fit and healthy too.

To be utterly transparent, Beth & I are doing a skill swop. She is going to help me get in shape and I’m going to help her with her social media. I’ll be sharing all the tips and tricks on my socials. But I think it’s worth giving Beth a follow on instagram HERE.


Make Yourself A Priority

I’m feeling really excited to see where this is all going to go. After years of feeling that my body wasn’t good enough, I now feel ready and in shape to take it to the next level. And also, take great care of myself and put my mental and physical well being at the top of my to-do list. All in time for the weather to get grey and gloomy!

Don’t forget to check out my instagram for more fitness updates. If you have any tips to share on your own fitness journey – or feel encouraged to join me to say goodbye to the winter mehs!

Come join me. It’s going to be an adventure.

Oh, and can I ask you a favour please? If you have liked this post, can you please drop me a vote HERE. My blog has been nominated for Best Lifestyle Blog and it would mean the world to me to be shortlisted. Thank you!

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Starting a fitness journey that works for you. This post is all about encouring you to get fit, healthy and happy by lifestyle blogger Maxine, We Love Home

One thought on “Starting A Fitness Journey That Works For You

  1. This has been truly inspiring and helpful. Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you very much for sharing and keep up the good work

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